What we need for the new age is a new age diet - or rather a new approach to life and living which is consciously and purposefully different from living to eat! Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani is one of those rare and courageous teachers who has the spiritual fibre that is essential to stand up and be counted for a cause he believes in: namely the right to live of all creatures that breathe the breath of life. We eat to live and not live to eat. There are lots of things in life more valuable than the indulgence of your taste for the food of violence. If you wish to cease your slavery to your own appetite open this book and discover the triumphs and challenges of Vegetarianism - the New Age
Detail Description
- ISBN:978-93-80743-56-1
- Author Name:J. P. Vaswani
- Language:English
- Publisher Name:Gita Publishing House
- Binding:Paperback